I keep waiting for patches to fix some in-game stuff that I hate, namely that outfielders can just straight-up hose guys on the bases because outfield throws to 3rd and home are never offline, always perfectly to the base, which is ridiculous. I also really don’t like how bad the infield defense AI is. I had a catcher just post up at the plate instead of grabbing a bunt that was one step away, waiting for the pitcher to get to it. Just completely braindead AI… So I’ve been watching patch notes pretty closely, and I decided to post a couple of recent translations. I’ll try to get them up on the site pretty soon after they arrive.
New Pages #
Updated Pages #
- Calendar Dates and Holidays - Added some new dates and links to Wikipedia articles, for those of you who are here for the culture
- Special Skills - Added some new special skills for managers to train players on
- Graduation Ceremony - Added information about the town location updates at graduation
Thinking about starting another mode sometime soon. I’m leaning toward star player, but maybe My Ballpark. I still want to play in games, so most likely one of those. OK, have fun out there!