- 1/8 - Winter Vacation Ends
- 1/11 - Coming of Age Day
- 1/25 - Spring Koshien “Participating Schools Announced” - 出場校発表
- 2/3 - Setsubun Day
- 2/11 - National Foundation Day
- 2/14 - Valentine’s Day
- 2/25 - 3rd Semester Final Exams - 期末試験
- 3/1 - Graduation Day - 卒業式
- 3/3 - Hinamatsuri - Girls’ Day
- 3/21 - Vernal Equinox
- 3/25 - Spring Break (approximately)
- 3/30 - NPB Opening Day (approximately)
- 4/1 - School Year Begins
- 4/3 - Cherry Blossoms in bloom (possibly varies based on the prefecture)
- 4/16 - Spring Prefectural Tournament Bracket Announcement - 組み合せ抽選
- 5/5 - Children’s Day - A Day to measure happiness and express gratitude to your mother.
- 5/5 - Boy’s Festival - 端午の節句
- 5/10 - Mother’s Day - 母の日 - “Let’s thank our parents. (Would you please call your mother from time to time…?)”
- 5/16 - Spring Regional Tournament Bracket Announcement - 組み合せ抽選
- 5/20-26 - Spring Regional Tournament - 春の地区大会
- 6/21 - Father’s Day - 父の日 - “Let’s thank our parents. (Would you please call your father from time to time…?)”
- 6/25 - 1st Semester Final Exams - 期末試験
- 7/6 - Summer Tournament Bracket Announcement - 組み合せ抽選
- 8/2 - Tournament Bracket Announcement - 組み合せ抽選
- 8/11 - Mountain Day - 山の日
- 9/2 - Tournament Bracket Announcement - 組み合せ抽選
- 9/20 - Respect for the Aged Day - 経路の日
- 9/23 - Autumnal Equinox (approximately)
- 10/10 - Sports Festival - 体育祭
- 10/11 - Pro Draft - ドラフト会議
- 10/12 - Tournament Bracket Announcement - 組み合せ抽選
- 11/4 - Cultural Festival - 文化祭
- 11/21 - Autumn National Tournament Bracket Announcement (秋の全国大会の組み合わせ抽選会)
- 12/7 - 2nd Semester Final Exams
- 12/16 - Winter Training Camp