入部 #
Every year in March, the new school year starts in Japan. Soon after, around April 8th, your new players will finally be revealed. Not sure why one wouldn’t talk with the school administration to find out if your scouted players have enrolled, but that’s not how the game works.
Dialog #
今年はどんな 1 年生が入ってくるのか楽しみです。
The entrance ceremony is coming up soon. I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of first-year students will be entering this year.
Spring break is over and the first semester begins today.
New Student Ceremony
Today is the entrance ceremony. A new school year begins.
Initial Gallery #
You’ll get a view like the one below, showing the new players. Early in your run, your school doesn’t have any clout, and you can’t scout outside your own prefecture, and the best players don’t really want to go to your school yet, so don’t be too disappointed if you only get one- and two-star players for the first year or two.
The below screen is from the start of my third year, so I’ve won some tournament games and leveled up the fame and renown of my school, so I have some pretty decent players here in 2026.
The next screen is from the next year, 2027. After a strong 2026, you can see the overall improvement in the quality of the incoming players. I have a genius personality shortstop and a five-star CF among a number of other high quality players.
The star rating is related to the overall strength of the players. They’re both measured in stars, which is confusing, but here goes anyway:
- ★★★★★ 221 and up
- ★★★★ 181-220
- ★★★ 141-180
- ★★ 101-140
- ★ 0-100
So if you get a three-star player, you’ll know that they have an overall strength between 141 and 180 stars.
You can see that I have eight players joining, one of which is my scouted player. Because of the general fame of the school, plus some randomness in the player generation, I have one four-star player, four three-star players, two two-star players, and one one-star player.
Glossary #
Word | English | Pronunciation |
性格 | personality | seikaku |
出身 | hometown/origin | shusshin |
投手 | pitcher | toushu |
捕手 | catcher | hoshu |
遊撃手 | shortstop | yuugekishu |
内野手 | infielder | naiyashu |
外野手 | outfielder | gaiyashu |
左 | left | hidari |
中 | center | naka |
右 | right | migi |
Modifying Players #
Next you’ll see a list of your players and some options to edit them. You can change their name, appearance, and customize their equipment, so if you want to change their socks or the catcher’s equipment style or batting gloves, or something like that, here’s where you do that.
The first button is for name changes (名前), and the second one is for appearance and equipment (容姿). Choose OK to finish and return.
Post-Registration #
The new members were added.
We scouted Tabuchi (from Tokyo) and he joined the team.
Ichihara joined the team as a first-year rookie manager.
Now that we have a new team, we need to decide on our future training policy.
In April 2027, the new Oshima Polytechnic High School baseball team was launched.