Positions #
- Pitcher - 投手 - tou-shu
- Catcher - 捕手 - ho-shu
- First Base - 一塁手 - ichi-rui-shu
- Second Base - 二塁手 - ni-rui-shu
- Third Base - 三塁手 - san-rui-shu
- Shortstop - 遊撃手 - yuu-geki-shu
- Left Field - 左野手 - hidari-gai-shu
- Center Field - 中野手 - naka-gai-shu
- Right Field - 右野手 - migi-gai-shu
Moods #
Amazing - 超ノリノリ - chou-nori-nori
Good - ノリノリ - nori-nori
Normal/Nominal - ふつう - fu-tsuu
Bad - ダメダメ - dame-dame
Awful - 超ダメダメ - chou-dame-dame
Personalities #
Personality Type | Pronunciation | Name | Effect |
天才肌 | ten-sai-hada | Genius | Boosts all |
ごくふつう | goku-futsuu | Ordinary | No boosts |
お調子者 | o-choushi-mono | Easily Excitable/Cheerful | Boosts speed and arm strength for fielders |
やんちゃ | yan-cha | Mischievous | Boost velocity for pitchers, power for hitters |
クール | cooru | Cool | Boosts control for pitchers, contact for hitters |
したたか | shita-taka | Stubborn | Boost breaking pitches for pitchers, defense and glove for fielders |
内気 | uchiki | Shy/Introverted | Boosts control for pitchers, glove for fielders |
熱血漢 | nekketsu-kan | Hot Blooded | Boosts velocity and stamina for pitchers, power for hitters |
Fame Levels #
Schools have an associated fame/renown level that reflects how difficult they are to beat. Leveling up your school to higher fame levels means that players you recruit will be more likely to enroll, so winning games and raising the level is key to building a better team and winning.
From best to worst:
- 名門 - Prestigious - generally an A/S-ranked school
- 強豪 - Powerhouse - generally a B/A-ranked school
- 中堅 - Mid-level - generally a C-ranked school
- そこそこ - Mediocre - generally a D-ranked school
- 弱小 - Weak - generally an E-ranked school
I don’t think I’ve seen an F- or G-ranked school yet, and I don’t think there’s a level below 弱小.
Batting Trajectories #
- Low (低弾道) - 低角度の打球タイプ。ミートタイプの打者に多い。 - Low trajectory, low angle hit type - Common for contact-type hitters.
- Medium (中弾道) - 中角度の打球タイプ。最も一般的な打球タイプ。 - Medium trajectory, medium angle - The most common hit type.
- High (高弾道) - 高角度の打球タイプ。パワータイプの打者に多い。 - High trajectory, high angle hit type - Often used by power hitters.
- Grounder (グラウンダー) - 打球をあまり上げない打球タイプ。打球を転がしやすい。 - A hit type that does not rise very high - Easy to roll the ball (on the ground).
Batting Styles #
Line Drive - 打球タイプをラインドライプに変更します。 - Change the hitting type to artist.
Power Hitter - 打球タイプをパワーヒッターに変更します。 - Change the hitting type to power hitter.
Artist - 打球タイプをアーチストに変更します。 - Change the hitting type to line drive.