Playing Games

Your school will automatically play in the prefectural tournaments a few times a year. Winning this tournament will get you into the regional tournaments, and maybe even into the Meiji Jingu national tournament at the olympic field, or Koshien, the really prestigious one!

Calendar #

If you know you have a tournament game coming up, check the bracket from the Calendar menu in the smartphone. After a while, you will have played some teams before, and you can check up on them from the Rivals menu in the smartphone to see how they look.

Game Day #

Dialog #

manager conversation

Your club manager will tell you who your opponent is, and what their fame level is. She’ll tell you about any players to watch out for as well.

manager conversation

notice about a player

Setting the Play Mode #

You can choose how to play the game, by watching, simming, or skipping entirely, by choosing one player to play as, by managing the play-by-play tactics, or by playing the interesting parts of the game yourself. Check the various play modes and select one to continue.

Setting the Difficulty #

difficulty selection

After the dialog, you’ll go to the field and get to choose your play mode and difficulty from three presets:

  • Rookie (ルーキー)
    • “Basic” pitch speed
    • Meet assist level 2
    • Pitching assist level 2
  • Normal (ノーマル)
    • “Basic+” pitch speed
    • Meet assist level 1
    • Pitching assist level 1
  • Expert (エキスパート)
    • “Middle” pitch speed
    • No meet assist at all
    • No pitching assist at all

Setting the Lineup #

Next you’ll set your lineup. If this is a regular game, you already have your lineup set, but here’s the chance to sub some players if you want to get the kids some playing time, or if you’re worried about player attitudes and want to put the happy ones in for luck, this is the chance. (Players who are in a bad mood won’t play as well as if they’re in a good mood, so if you have a roughly equivalent player, it’s a good idea to play the one in the better mood.)

Additionally, be careful about starting the same pitcher over and over. There is a penalty to not resting starting pitchers, so early in the tournament, or anytime you’re playing a weaker team, start one of your lesser pitchers, and consider getting some of the non-starters some innings and ABs by starting them.

lineup changes

Game Time #

When you select the top button (試合開始), the game will begin.

lineup confirmation