Convenience Store Activity

Here’s the activity to go to the convenience store after unlocking it with a graduating player.

Possible Outcomes #

  • Getting Items - You could buy some stuff and successfully have them added to the Items screen in the smartphone, like energy drinks.
  • Improving Player Moods (shown below) - You could buy some stuff and then your players could steal them for themselves.

Standard Dialog #

The following two screens of dialog should be the same for each of the convenience store instances.

Going to the convenience store

I decided to go out to the convenience store. It was a store where a former player was working.

Retired player recommends a book to us

I hadn’t seen him in a long time, but he told me about a recommended product.

Variable Dialog #

The following screens of dialog will vary based on which product the game randomized for you.

Retired player recommends a book to us

I decided to buy the recommended snacks/candy. …But, unfortunately the players suddenly stuffed them into their stomacks.

Retired player recommends a book to us

Sugisaki (line 1) and Fukushima’s (3) mood became good. Yuasa’s (2) mood became normal.

I got some candy/snacks, but these rascals ate them all. At least their moods improved as a result.

Vocab #

  • コンビニ - combini - convenience store
  • 出かける - dekakeru - to go out somewhere, to leave
  • 出会う - deau - to meet up with someone (by chance)
  • おすすめ - osusume - recommended
  • 商品 - shouhin - products, goods
  • 速攻 - sokkou - quickly, immediately
  • 胃袋 - ibukuro - belly (literally, “belly bag”)