November 27, 2024 17:00
Ver 1.3.0
Distribution and maintenance notice
Ver 1.3.0 のアップデート配信を以下の日時で予定しております。
Ver 1.3.0 update distribution is scheduled for the following date and time.
2024年12月2日(月) 10時00分
Monday, December 2, 2024 10:00
The contents of the update are as follows.
*When the update is applied, the “match interruption data” saved in each mode before the application will be invalidated.
Common #
〇 モードセレクト「設定」の中に「よくあるご質問 (FAQ) 」を追加
- Added “Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)” to “Settings” in Mode Select
Championship #
〇 一部の特殊能力のラーニング経験値が加算されない不具合の修正
- Fixed a bug where learning experience points for some special abilities were not added
Star Player #
〇 試合中に「ユーザー設定」が変更できてしまう不具合を修正
[Star Player]
- Fixed a bug where “User Settings” could be changed during a match
※ Addressed a bug with communication synchronization
Hakkyuu no Kisseki #
〇 伝令「励ます」の効果を上方調整
〇 アイテム「メンテナンスキット」の効果を上方調整
〇 特定のアイテムを使用して球威、またはコントロールの上限値を越えさせると、該当の能力値が「G」に戻ってしまう不具合の修正
〇 同じ選手が2名重複する不具合で進行不能になったデータを、以下手順で進行できるように対応
① 症状が発生しているデータをロードします
② メイン画面の LI ボタン>「起用設定」>「オーダー&試合メンバー決定」を選択
③ 「おまかせ」ボタンを押す事で重複していた選手が削除されます
④ 「OK」で確定することで手順完了となリます
※ 3 名以上重複しているケースは現在引き続き対応中となリますが、選手が重複してしまう不具合自体は修正しておリます
[White Ball Miracle]
- Increased the effect of the messenger “Encourage”
- Increased the effect of the item “Maintenance Kit”
- Fixed a bug where the corresponding ability value would return to “G” if a specific item was used to exceed the upper limit of ball power or control
- Improved data that was unable to progress due to a bug where two of the same players were duplicated, so that it can be progressed by following the steps below
① Load the data where the problem occurs
② LI button on the main screen > “Use Settings” > “Order & Match Members” Select “OK”
③ Press the “Auto” button to delete duplicate players
④ Confirm with “OK” to complete the procedure
※ Cases with 3 or more duplicates are still being addressed, but the bug that causes players to be duplicated has been fixed
※ If the registered name of the relevant player has been changed, it can be changed from “Registration Settings” > “Name/Voice Settings”
〇 イベントの準備
〇 修練のスキップ機能の改善【プロスピショップ】
〇 Ver 1.2.0 にて「選手覚醒」画面で発生していた複数の表示不具合の修正【チームエディット】
〇 「白球のキセキ」のプロ選手憧れ部員をオリジナル選手に登録した場合に覚醒できるように修正
〇 Ver 1.1.1 以前に作成したエディットチームで発生していた、複数の覚醒能力データ不具合の修正
- Event preparation
- Improved training skip function [Prospi Shop]
- Fixed multiple display bugs that occurred on the “Player Awakening” screen in Ver. 1.2.0 [Team Edit]
- Fixed so that professional players who are admired in “White Ball Miracle” can be awakened when registered as original players
- Fixed multiple awakening ability data bugs that occurred in edit teams created before Ver. 1.1.1
Other #
〇 上記以外の不具合修正
- Fixed bugs other than those mentioned above
2024年12月2日(月) 10時00分~15時00分
In addition, due to the update, the online service will be closed during the following times. We will be carrying out maintenance on the service.
Monday, December 2, 2024, 10:00 - 15:00
*If maintenance begins while playing a mode that uses online services, the results may not be reflected correctly. Please end play before maintenance.
*Online services will not be available during maintenance.
*The maintenance period may be changed due to circumstances.
We look forward to your continued support of Pro Baseball Spirits.