動画 #
YouTuber CheckedSwing has several videos on PYS 24-25. Here are a few:
Explanation of Batting Settings #
Here’s a nice video about what all the different batting settings are, including the strike zone display, the pitch location display, and the pitch type display.
Explanation of Pitching Settings #
Here’s another one from the same YouTuber on how to pitch, and what the settings mean, so you can find the sweet spot.
Setting Up MORT for Translations #
MORT is an excellent, but clumsy and cryptic application that will run OCR on your game output and automatically send it to Google Translate or a few other services for translation, showing you the translated version directly on the screen. If you’re having trouble making sense of the game, try this out and see if it helps.
Special Pitches #
Here’s a video showcasing some of the one-off special pitches that only one guy throws. They’re all pretty interesting!
Farming XP #
Here’s a video in Japanese about how to farm XP to afford all the unlockables. The gist is to start an exhibition game as the home team on the hardest difficulty and take a 0-0 perfect game into the last possible inning before it’s a tie game, which is the 15th. No one’s good enough to do that regularly, so you save the game and reload after every perfect inning or every out. Then finally save it with your winning run on base in the bottom of the 15th. Finally, load the game and win it repeatedly for the full XP on each win. If you saved it right and win a full-extras, 1-0 perfect game, you’ll get basically max XP for the game, and because you have the game saved at the right moment, you can run it repeatedly by just getting a base hit to win the game.
I would not be at all surprised if this were patched out at some point, if it isn’t already.